Thursday, December 21, 2006

Don't Stop Believin'

Happy Birthday to Mary Megan!! Live it up on the 26th year of your birth. Enjoy the concert and in the words of Journey, "Don't stop believin', hold on to that feelin'. Street lights, people..." Okay, I'll stop now.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

America's Most Wanted

The face of a hardened criminal...My little sister Maggie:

So Maggie got a "citation" recently for, drumroll please,


Nevermind that she had just driven up, had not even turned off her car, and was saying hello to some friends before heading home.

Apparently the fine Little Rock police department found it necessary to have 12 officers for 29 kids. Now, Maggie has done silly things before (ummm, tequila), but she is a pretty good kid.

Also, my parents are not the type to think "My baby would never do that." Oh, no. They are more like the, "What did you do?" parents. But this time, they are in Maggie's defense. The kid didn't do anything wrong and got cursed out by law enforcement for...sitting. There's not even a sign that says "No Loitering."

Now, there was one car there with alcohol, which is admittedly not great, but still, punish those kids, not the ones that were, once again, sitting in their cars.

She even asked the officer to search her car and Maggie said when she didn't find anything in the stack of LIBRARY BOOKS she had in her trunk, the officer was pissed.

So now Mags has to go to court and defend her evil sitting habits. Stupid Little Rock.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving!

I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving. Eat a lot, sleep a lot, drink a lot. That's my plan.

I am grateful for my friends, my family, Grey's Anatomy, and Spanx.

Happy Thanksgiving!

I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving. Eat a lot, sleep a lot, drink a lot. That's my plan.

I am grateful for my friends, my family, Grey's Anatomy, and Spanx.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Where am I?!?

So yesterday I walk out into the hall because the 6th graders are being loud. Then I see the teacher with gloves on. Turns out almost all of the 6th graders are breaking out in some rash and itching like crazy. Awesome.

I helped calm a few hysterical kids down but then had to go back to teach.

The end of the day: I hear one of the other English teachers say, "I think those girls are fighting." I look over and 2 girls arms are flailing at each other and pulling hair.

I run over with another teacher and we pull them apart, meanwhile I get nailed in the arm. I have a bruise, but it's not too bad. What a day. I had a few drinks.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

What a Week!

My kids decided they would turn into demon spawn this week. From Hell. Every other teacher said the same thing, so I guess they're spiking the water or something.

Yesterday I had a kid tell me " I'mma 'bout to go off on you" and then shooed me away with her hand, saying, "Go on. Go back to class." Good times.

But tomorrow is Friday. Tomorrow is Friday. Tomorrow is Friday.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Just an Update

So things have been going better. After a few weeks of constant chest pain, I'm doing better.

I still don't sleep well at night. I have this problem with critiquing every decision I made that day and wondering if it was the right one. Should I have been nicer? Should I have been more mean? I wish I could turn it off.

I definitely heard a student call me a b**** in class, but I didn't exactly see who it was, but I have an idea. I just looked at all of them and said, "I heard that, but I obviously can't do anything about it since I don't know exactly who did it. But you know what? It doesn't matter to me." They looked pretty suprised. I've kind of gotten to the point where I don't care if I'm scary or a "b."

The point is, I have a job to do. I am enjoying it, and if that makes be a b, then oh well.

It's just so frustrating sometimes when I think about how disrespectful these kids are compared to how I acted in school.

We give them breakfast every day in class. Needless to say, cereal and crap goes everywhere. I ask a kid to pick it up. "It's not mine." Of course, I say, I don't care whose it is, just be a nice person and pick it up. "I'm not a nice person." Ahhhhhhh!

On the other hand, I've really connected with some of the kids. Some of them draw me pictures and give me hugs when they see me. And ankle monitor boy is out of my class due to a schedule change. Whew.

I am tired. It's 2 a.m. but I'm excited because I got a week ahead in lesson planning.

Now I'm nervous because our big standardized district assessments are coming up and I'm scared all of my kids will fail and they will say I'm a lousy teacher.

I am tired.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Big House

A few days ago I got a student in my class that had a schedule change. I had heard a few things about him, but nothing specific. I would like to also mention he was wearing pants the first day. This is important.

The next day, I saw him in the principal's office because he had gotten in a fight after school.

Friday. Walking around while the kids are working. Look down for some reason. Kiddo is wearing shorts. I see--an ankle monitor.

Like Martha Stewart wore. Somehow I don't think this kid was doing insider trading. He's in 8th grade, by the way.

I would, however, like to know what the hell he has it on for. I don't feel threatened by him (yet) but I'd like to know whether or not it's a good idea for me to be in the classroom alone with him. I'm also a little pissed because on the student/parent application, it says that the school absolutely does not accept kids from juvie. Obviously not true.

G is furious. My parents are furious. What if this kid assaulted someone?

On the other hand, I had them write papers and he wrote a pretty eloquent one. I guess you never know.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

So far...

I was definitely called a nasty name in Spanish by two girls yesterday. I just had this instinct that they were talking about me, so I said "I heard that." One girl looked terrified. I checked with another teacher and they were basically calling me "white bread" in espanol.

Today one of the girls drew me a picture with a bleeding heart with my name in the middle that said "Sorry about yesterday." I almost teared up when she gave it to me. A little spooky, but sweet nonetheless.

Another girl started talking to me in the hall and then started spilling her guts to me. She told me she's been in foster care for awhile but lives with her father now. I knew their lives were bad, but I guess I didn't think they were that bad. So I almost cried after that conversation too.

I fluctuate between panicking and having my chest hurt because I totally don't know what I'm doing and feeling like I can make a difference. Wish I could just stick with the last one.

If you remember anything that your teacher's did or said that really used to piss you off, please tell me. I caught myself saying, "I WILL keep you after this bell rings if you don't stop talking."

Friday, August 04, 2006

Setting Up

I got to go into my classroom today! I'm so happy to have most of the decorating and rearranging done.

Just a few fun facts about the school that I found out today.

They have "only" had to completely lock down the school once or twice.

Gang members try to come into the school to recruit members.

On the other hand, almost everyone I've met has been so cool and helpful. There are a ton of teachers willing to talk at a moments notice. It's going to be an interesting year!

Friday, July 28, 2006

Papa Don't Preach

My Dad was right. I jumped too quickly at this job because after being out of work for 5 months, I got a little desperate. I was scared another job offer wouldn't come along and with the program I'm in, I have to get a teaching job within 2 years. And I'm not planning on being here 2 years.

Now I'm regretting it a little. I had a great school district e-mail me yesterday about interviewing with them. Now, I know an interview is no guarantee for a job. But, if I did get the job, it would require me to break the contract I signed with the other school. Part of me feels like it's not too big of a deal to break the contract, they could find another teacher, but another part of me feels like I should honor what I signed.

I was going to set up an interview, but in my heart, I don't know if I could break the contract. Training starts this Tuesday. So I didn't set up an interview and at first I thought it was the right thing to do, but once again, I'm kicking myself. And I love Girard, but he's not helping much. For being so supportive of this job from the start, he's now all freaked out about the kids and the neighborhood the school is in.

I'm just absolutely terrified now that I've made this giant mistake and I'll wind up hating teaching. I also think I'm psyching myself out and the doubting every move I make needs to stop.

No real point to this post, just need to get it out. I think a therapist is in my future!

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Some Disappointing News

Girard found out yesterday that the company he works for feels that right now, he could learn more in Dallas. This means that they are no longer holding the position for him in New Orleans and they're posting it on the job board. Girard offered to go back earlier to fill the position, but like I said earlier, they think he'd learn more here, blah blah blah.

This also means that when we go back, we might not be going back with the company, which sucks, because he really likes working for them, just not the Dallas boss.

However, they also told him that knowing how hard it is to fill positions at home, the job might still be open in a year. He also knows that he could "quit" and then go reapply in New Orleans when we go back. Ugh.

Don't get me wrong, Dallas can be cool, but it's also...unbearably hot, it never rains, it's spread out and everyone thinks that Texas is pretty much the best thing since, well, God.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Happy Birthday Clare!

Clare turned 8 on Tuesday...we had a luau party, complete with tiki torches and musical beach towels. We know how to throw down.

On another note, Maggie drove on the highway on Thursday. Um, so had a car been in the other lane when she decided to exit sideways instead of straight, well...I think you get it. Looks like she inherited her big sister's driving skills.

Friday, June 30, 2006

Another Career Path

If teaching doesn't work out, I think I'll definitely become a Pussy Cat Doll.

I saw them on Good Morning America, and the dancing consisted mainly of dropping it like it's hott and flailing their hair around, and I am an expert in both.

I just need some hair extensions, teeth whitening, a spray tan, a new wardrobe and to lose about 40 pounds. I think that's doable.

D, I hope work gets better for you soon, but if anyone can do it, you can!

Wednesday, June 21, 2006


Here I come...I can't wait!

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

I'm Sleeping On It

I had an interview this morning. They called me about 30 minutes later to offer me the job! I really, really wanted to just say yes right away, but everyone insists I sleep on it and really think it through.

It's going to be a tough job. I'd be working with at-risk kids in the 7th and 8th grades. I'm not afraid of the kids, just afraid of failing them...but I feel in my heart that I might be able to do some good.

I tell the school tomorrow. Oh, and I am no longer allowed to pick a hotel and make hotel reservations. Since we got kicked out of our apartment because of the mold, we had to find a hotel, and the apartment people said it has to be under $100 a night. The neighborhood is safe, but the rooms, um, not so much. There was a leftover pee stain on the toilet when we first got here. Yummy.

So, any words of wisdom for me?

Monday, June 12, 2006

What's that smell?

Last night, Girard felt a wet area on our carpet. He pulled the furniture away from the wall by the wet spot.

Mold. Ew. On the wall, on the had been hidden by the furniture.

The maintenance guy comes by and starts cutting into our drywall. Behind the wall--a broken pipe that is basically pouring water onto our concrete floor behind the wall.

They moved us into a model apartment last night and now have to move us to a hotel. Yayyy! Good times!

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Breakin' the Law

Girard and I were at a party last night that got broken up by the police. Yep, we're badass.

Actually, it was a pool party that was perfectly harmless. A bunch of people in their 20s and 30s drinking beer and barbequing. Dangerous!!

Apparently we were disturbing the peace of one person in the apartment complex.

We all thought it was funny because the last time any of us had the cops called on us was either never or in college, but we decided to live on the edge with our Bud Lite and burgers.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Yesterday was my first day going to schools, and I have an interview with one of them next week! I am excited...just gotta keep my momentum up.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Wish Me Luck

Starting tomorrow and for the next 2 weeks or so I will be going around to schools and giving them my resume. Cross your fingers that someone hires me. I want to teach so badly!

Also, sidebar...

Shiloh Nouvel? What are everyone's thoughts on Brangelina's baby's name?

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Mambo Momma

She'd had a few cocktails at this point...

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Product Plug

Okay, so I've used self-tanners before with disastrous results. I love tanning beds, but I'm terrified of looking 50 when I'm 35. I decided to give self-tanners another try.

So, the other day I went into Bath & Body Works and got two things, both by True Blue Spa:

1. Hello, Sunshine! Self-Tanning Face Puffs
2. Strike Gold Sunless Tanning Lotion with Bronzer

They actually worked...I mean, it took time and patience to make sure the lotion was on right, but it worked! I was nervous because the face puffs don't have color to them and so you can't see where you've put it on, but it worked too!

I don't look orange! I look like I came from Fiji (well, let's be realistic here--I don't have that kind of cash). I look like I came from Gulf Shores!

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Okay, I'll Admit It

If you haven't seen the Grey's Anatomy season finale stop reading.

I have a few confessions to make. Please try not to laugh too hard.

I got teary-eyed when they put Doc down.

I cried when Denny died and Izzy started bawling.

I thought it was sweet when Karev picked Izzy up to comfort her and it made me cry some more.

And I yelled (at the television) when Meredith and McDreamy hooked up.

Girard came in the room, saw me crying and yelling, and walked out.

Monday, May 15, 2006

Happy Belated Mother's Day

I thought I'd post a video's what the cool kids are doing. These guys are so funny!

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

I'm not a girl...not yet a woman

I think there should be a rule that certain people should not be able to procreate.

Namely K-Fed.

I can't believe Brit is preggers again. Actually, I can.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Uh Oh

This could be trouble. I'm watching my little sisters for a few days while the 'rents live it up at the Derby.

Maggie has already asked me to lie to one of her friends' grandmother and pretend to be our mom. She also has plans for Cinco de Mayo. She's 15. Am I the only loser that didn't really live it up for this holiday until college?

Oh dear.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Okay, this has got to stop. I find myself looking forward to 11 a.m. because that's when All My Children comes on. I like soap operas, but wow, I need to wean myself off of that show.

I'm pretty good about keeping myself busy most of the day with applications and stuff, but I can't break my habit.

Oh, and I also ate some of G's dark chocolate Easter bunny. You snooze, you lose.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

They Say It's Your Birthday

Happy Birthday Cassie! Hope your 25th is a wonderful one. Wish I was there to celebrate with you!

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

It just keeps on comin'

So my car didn't start the other morning.

I spent an obscene amount of money getting it fixed a week ago.

On the plus side, I get a sweet loaner car.

God, please--let a job fall out of the sky for me. I'm starting to doubt myself.

Friday, April 14, 2006

History in the making...

Def Leppard and Journey.

Saturday. July 29th. Dallas. Be there.

Monday, April 10, 2006

A Good Ribbing

So, Girard has been injured. If he moves a certain way, his winces because his ribs hurt. They seem to be bruised.

He got this injury from...drumroll, please....a stripper.

During his bachelor party he was being "entertained" and a stripper slipped (damn those clear 6" heels) and elbowed him right in the ribs. My poor baby. My favorite though, is when he said, "And she didn't even apologize." Maybe that's an extra fiver.

At first I kind of felt bad because it does kind of hurt, but now, honestly, I just laugh. He thinks it's pretty funny too. He's also nervous about going to a doctor because, well, how do you explain that injury?

Monday, April 03, 2006

It's a Nice Day for a White Wedding

So I'm back. And I'm married. It's completely weird, and I do feel different.

Everything went so wonderfully. Better than I expected. It's crazy how all that work boils down to just a few hours, and it's over so quickly.

I wanted to thank you guys for being such a wonderful support system over the past few months. It was nice to have people to vent to, cry to, be irate to.

The bridesmaids were amazing and fun and took care of me. Megan gave a beatiful speech and she had nothing to worry about!

It hasn't completely sunk in, but I today I wrote an e-mail to the priest and signed it with my new last name. It was completely cool.

Friday, March 24, 2006

A Little Happy

So I've been kind of bummed today because Duke lost, but I got a little happy today at, of all places, Office Depot.

I had completely forgotten to have programs printed. Just forgot. So, I had to whip some up and have them printed, today.

I went to Office Depot and the lady that helped me had them done in about 2 hours. I go to pick them up, pull out my wallet, and she says, "Don't worry about it." I must've looked like an idiot because I just stood there with my mouth open. She waved and said "Don't worry about it! Have a great day."

I know it seems silly, but it's so wonderful when people just do something to be nice. So thank you, Casey, from Office Depot. I was stressed and disappointed, and you brightened my day.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

It's a Big One

I'm so nervous...I'm on edge. LSU vs. Duke tonight. I'm afraid Duke's going to take LSU for granted and play like crap.

If my main squeeze JJ can keep from getting tired and Shelden can keep out of foul trouble, I think we'll be okay.

No offense Cassie and Bryan, but GO BLUE DEVILS!

I love Coach K. Really. If G got eaten by a lion and I were a few years older, in the words of my 15 year old sister, I'd tap that.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

That was a close one...

Okay, so no name tags. Whew. 10 days.

The hot water just stopped working this morning in the shower. That's always fun. It didn't run out--it just- stopped. Ahhhh, apartment living.

How is everyone else doing today?

Friday, March 17, 2006

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

St. Patty's is one of my favorite holidays. Why? Beer. Green beer. Corned beef. Cabbage. The fact that we can be hammered in the middle of the day and it's not completely frowned upon!


G's mom wants to give everyone name tags at the rehearsal dinner. I can see it now:

"Hello my name is _____. "

Her reason? "I don't know everyone's name." Here's an idea, ASK THEM.

Am I out of line on this one? Let me know, and I'll let it be.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

19 Days...

19 days. I can't believe it's gone this fast. I'm suprisingly calm right now, which then scares me. I shouldn't be this relaxed!!! What if something goes wrong!?! Then I calm down again.

Like I've said before. Poor G, he's getting a crazy.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Girls Gone Wild

More from Bachelorette Party 2006. The lovely ladies, their penis straws, and my penis bottle.
Erin, Amy, Cassie, Megan and Grace.

Cassie The Veil Maker

Here's an excellent shot of my veil. If you'll notice, it has flavored condoms, a sparkly red trim, and miniature pee-pee's attached to it. My personal favorite were the little phrases such as: "Me so horny," and "Get your juices flowing." Thank you Cassie!! I loved it!
Oh, and yes, those are pink fuzzy balls on the top of my head. It was a big hit with the fellas.

Friday, March 03, 2006

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Hunker down

Because the Triple Threat will be together once again. We'll have 2 lovely additions with Erin (my friend since 7th grade) and Amy (my cousin).

I leave tomorrow. Wish me luck on my drive. Meg, if your mom could say a few prayers, it would be greatly appreciated. I mean it.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Thought on an icy afternoon

I think if I hear Jessica Simpson sing "These bites are made for poppin'" one more time, I'll rip my ears off.

Having a cord that enables me to use the laptop while sitting in bed makes me very happy indeed.

I wish G would just clean the damn fireplace already so we can use it on days like this.

I took my TExES test today...the teacher test. Wow. Hard. I need a stiff drink. I heart Mardi Gras. I cannot wait. In just a few days I'll be slingin' beads off of a float, drinkin' my butt off at my bachelorette party and opening presents at the bridal shower!

G's mom will be there. I'm happy to have her there, but scared to death that someone will make a sex joke in front of her. I think she'd keel over. She's really old-fashioned.

That is all.

Monday, February 13, 2006

World's Sweetest Man

Okay, I know I'm not the only one that got misty-eyed when Dr. George O'Malley started wiping down Dr. Bailey with the washcloth.

I know I'm not the only one that pretty much cried when he climbed behind her and held her hand while she had her baby.

Dr. George O'Malley. World's sweetest man.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

I'm so not creative...

Ladies, I don't have an "eye." I am not creative, fashionable, or innovative.


Flowers. I am in desperate need of assistance. Tulips? Peonies? Lilies?

Have at it.

Sunday, February 05, 2006



1. Waitress
2. Mausoleum secretary
3. Intern
4. Retail clerk


1. Bring It On
2. Steel Magnolias
3. Pretty Woman
4. Old School


1. New Orleans, LA
2. Little Rock, AR
3. Mobile, AL
4. Raleigh-Durham, NC


1. Grey's Anatomy
2. Extreme Home Makeover
4. Law & Order SVU


1. Italy
2. Ireland
3. Cruise 2005 (yay for Pina Coladas)
4. Nueva York City


1. Sushi
2. Crawfish!
3. Anything with the words "pasta" and "cream sauce"
4. Spinach Cheese Pie


1. All the blogs!


1. New Orleans. I think about it every day.
2. At the beach! I'm tired of this damn cold weather.
3. At my parents old house in Tampa. Poolside.
4. At Cassie's, eating some of her delicious food, watching the Super Bowl and drinking lots of beer.


2. G-money
3. Maggie

I don't have anyone else to tag!

Monday, January 23, 2006

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Let's Go Devils!

My relationship with my dad has sometimes been difficult, but sometimes he does things that are just so wonderful.

He just called me from the Duke-N.C. State game--from Cameron Stadium. I've been watching Duke games with my dad since I was 3.

He walked on the court during the warm up. I told him not to wash his shoes. Ever.

I heart the Blue Devils.

Friday, January 13, 2006

Good idea, bad idea?

So my adorable dad really, really wants to dance to "Bust a Move." Yes, the one by Young MC.

I think it would be fun, but as I told my mom- "It talks about sexin' in it." And my mom laughed at me. But it's true, it might be weird. And the more conservative members of the group might be put off.

I also said the word dildo to my mom yesterday. After it came out of my mouth the phrase "word vomit" came to mind. But she acted shocked for a nanosecond and then laughed again. We were having a conversation about infomercials and the words Silver Bullet escaped me.

And then she asked me how I'd heard of one called the silver bullet. Don't worry Meg, I didn't tell her the real reason we were in that shop in the Quarter. The thing is, I probably could now, but it would still seem weird. Oh, and Megan and I were there because our boyfriends at the time were coming into town. Heehee.

Friday, January 06, 2006

These girls rock my socks...

Cassie and Megan, you do rock my socks. I've been spastic and unorganized with this wedding, but you two came through at crunch time...cheers to the best friends a girl could ask for.

3 months to go.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

A New Year- A New Start...Hopefully

I've applied to be a substitute for some of the local school districts so I can get some experience teaching. Holy crap, that's scary.

I just realized I don't like my "intro" to my blog. Definitely need to change it. Any thoughts?