Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Bella Roma and Meg's All Grown Up

Hello dahlings, I'm back from my holiday across the ocean. (Imagine I'm saying that with some kind of accent, it's more effective that way)
Rome was beautiful, of course. We got to go to a Mass in St. Peter's Basilica, which rocked my socks off. We also got to see Pope Benedict (or B-Rat, as I like to call him) say the Angelus. It was like a rock concert.

People had signs, posters, cheers and songs. It was crazy. But fun.

Next on the agenda, our girl Megan has a job now and is talking about 401k's and insurance plans. And the thing is, I got so excited when I heard she had a 401k because I was thinking how great it was that she can save money for her future. WE ARE OLD. But it's still awesome. You did it M.

I still need to send you a cookie bouqet. I mean, cookies posing as flowers. Ingenious!!

Oh, and Katie, I have not known you long, but I feel like I do because of all the fun stories Megan tells I'd like to say Happy Birthday!!


Missi-La & D-Love said...

Whew!!! So for the last few days I have been wondering why you haven't been blogging. I thought that maybe your blogging days were over and was sad about that. But I now know you had a good were chillin' with B-Rat. Good to see that you are back


Missi-La & D-Love said...

Glad you are back- hope vacay was fun. Blog you later---


cat said...

Thanks ladies! It's good to be back...I was definitely having blogging withdrawal. Missed you girls!