Thursday, November 17, 2005

Drinking in bars with boys

A post in the fabulous "Putting it Out There 2005" made me think about meeting boys in bars. Is it really so bad? My dad said I'd never meet the man of my dreams in a bar. Ha. Proved him wrong. That's really why I'm marrying G. To prove a point. Just kidding.

I mean, Girard and I met in a bar and one night hung out until 9:30 in the morning, talking. Really. Ok, so we made out a little too, but I didn't go home with him or vice versa.

I totally felt like I had to clarify myself just then. God, am I talking to my mother?!? Anyhoo, point is, what's your take? Can you meet the man of your dreams in a bar?

a. Abso-freakin-loutely
b. Ehhhh
c. Never in a million years, that's tacky
d. Only after 6 or 7 Jack & Cokes!
e. The ever present "none of the above"

I pick "a".


Missi-La & D-Love said...

I hope "A" b/c otherwise why am i "putting it out there"?


cat said...

True dat.