Monday, November 28, 2005

What's that smell?

Oh, it's just me...burning in Hell. Why? Because, I am trying to track down the priest. I just want to ask him a simple question. And he won't answer the phone/e-mail me back. Hence, I've been cursing his Irish Catholic priest name.

So my dad e-mails him. The man answers him the same day. I e-mailed him, oh, almost 2 weeks ago. But, he only half answers my question, so I'm still cursing him.

Yep, straight to Hell.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Drinking in bars with boys

A post in the fabulous "Putting it Out There 2005" made me think about meeting boys in bars. Is it really so bad? My dad said I'd never meet the man of my dreams in a bar. Ha. Proved him wrong. That's really why I'm marrying G. To prove a point. Just kidding.

I mean, Girard and I met in a bar and one night hung out until 9:30 in the morning, talking. Really. Ok, so we made out a little too, but I didn't go home with him or vice versa.

I totally felt like I had to clarify myself just then. God, am I talking to my mother?!? Anyhoo, point is, what's your take? Can you meet the man of your dreams in a bar?

a. Abso-freakin-loutely
b. Ehhhh
c. Never in a million years, that's tacky
d. Only after 6 or 7 Jack & Cokes!
e. The ever present "none of the above"

I pick "a".

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

NOLA here I come

I'm so excited! I go back to New Orleans on Friday. I can't wait!!

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

I am woman...

Okay, so I've never considered myself a real feminist or anything. I mean, I want equality for women and all of that, but I'm not a super bra-burning, armpit hair growing, down with men kind of chick. (Disclaimer: I don't necessarily think all femininsts are like that, just an exaggeration for effect.)

Anyhoo, I'm driving along and I see a decal on a truck in front of me. The truck is a Dodge Ram. The decal says, and I quote:

"Watch my Dodge while I Ram your girl"
Um. Okay. Can you imagine bringing this boy home to momma? Seriously, what would your parents do? What would your dads do? I know it's meant to be funny, but it makes me throw up in my mouth a little bit. Okay-stepping off of my soapbox.
LOST is new tonight! Who will get bumped off?!?

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Tempin' Ain't Easy

Actually, it's not really hard, either. I just liked the play on words.

I work for UPS right now as an "administrative assistant."

My first day there, I worked for a while in dispatch with a woman named Lou. Yep.

Everyone is nice, but definitely not something I want to do for the next 2 months of my life.

Called the Hyatt and they are still interviewing people. Could everyone cross their fingers that I get that job?

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Happy Halloween!

I finally have an apartment...and Internet!

Went to Little Rock to get my car this past weekend and my parents went to a Halloween party.

Mom's outfit included a pink plastic dress, clear heels (i.e., stripper) and some frosty pink lipstick.

She was a groupie and my dad was an aging rock star.

I heart my parents.