Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Poll: How hot is it right now in your city?

a. Warm
b. Hot
c. Africa hot
d. Scorching
e. I cooked my breakfast on the hood of my car and my head feels like it's on fire

Fortunately, New Orleans is at "c" right now, but in the afternoon, it's "d"

-sorry, I'm just really bored right now

Sunday, July 24, 2005

I need a part-time job...

In order to support my iTunes habit...

Girard comes home tonight!!

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Where ya from, you sexy thang?

I thought I'd put in some pictures for fun...look ma, no drink! At least not in this shot.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Just call me Crash

I'm babysitting my boss's kids today, and I decide to take the baby out because the maid is there and she hates it when people stay around while she's cleaning.

I back out of the driveway, the baby starts crying, I divert my attention for 2 seconds and then...

I hit the maid's car.

Megan and Cassie can tell you that my driving record is, well, spotty.

Good times.

Monday, July 18, 2005

Eww, ewww, ewwwww!

The other night G and I are sound asleep and then I wake up because he jumps 30 feet in the air and is flinging his arms around like someone lit him on fire.

He turns on the light. There was a roach crawling down his arm.

G kills the roach and because it didn't get on the covers I climb back into bed only to find another roach crawling on the covers.

A flying roach. Yes, down here, some roaches can fly.

To make this shorter, imagine me armed with a can of Raid, screaming, spraying, and closing my eyes because the roach was flying towards my head.

I killed it. Roaches fear me. We spent the rest of the night on the futon. And G sprayed outside, inside, up, down, everywhere the next day. I spent most of the day washing everything that had come in contact with the awful, awful roaches.

I feel dirty, and not in a good way.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Can anyone spare an Ambien?

First off, I'd like to say: congratulations on your wedding Kelly Kapowski! I mean, I was a little disappointed that you and Zack Morris didn't get hitched...just imagine, you could have had enough babies to bring back Zack Attack! But I digress...was Lisa at the wedding? I hope so.

I haven't slept well in over a week. The wedding nightmares have started. Should I hire a bus for people to get to the church? What flowers should I use? Will people be mad that I don't invite their children? Should I hire a babysitter for said children? What if the band doesn't show up? What if no one dances?!? What if the food sucks?!? What if everyone hates the reception?!? Ahhhhhhhhhh!

Someone please help me.

Monday, July 11, 2005

She does what?

So Hurricane Dennis passed us by, which is great for us, but not so great for the Panhandle--which makes me feel really stupid and whiny about the next thing I am going to say...

I just found out that a girl I graduated from high school with has an awesome job in marketing and public relations in Dallas. Here is why this bothers me:

1. Once, while working on a project together, she corrected me and told me that tomorrow was actually spelled "tumorrow."

2. She got in a fight with one of her friends and when they made up, she was heard saying, "It's okay...it was just a misunderstandment." Apparently that's a word.

3. I am awful at math. Horrible. Got tested in college for it horrible. She did worse than I did in our remedial math class in high school.

4. She was also not very nice.

...and now she has a job I would love to have. So I'm sitting here eating peanut M&M's feeling sorry for myself. The truth is that I haven't done much to get myself out of this rut. I'll search for jobs but I pretty much stop there. Fear of rejection is no fun. I just need to realize that a job is not going to fall in my lap.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Thar she blows!

TS Cindy wasn't too much trouble...cleared the yard of limbs and debris yesterday for about 3 hours, but hey, I got a tan!

Now Dennis is out there...I can hear the weathermen now- "Dennis the Menace" har har har.

Wish us luck. Our flood insurance hasn't kicked in yet.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Little Rock...again

Again, as in the third time in about 5 years. I know it doesn't affect me that much because I won't be moving with them, but it breaks my heart for my little sisters. My parents let me finish my high school years in one place (which was Little Rock) but Maggie (who is 14 going on 21) is having to leave after her freshman year.

She loves her school. She loves her friends. She loves Tampa. I liked Little Rock because I was there for about 7 years but Mags has tasted the beaches and almost constant sunshine of Florida, and she's not happy about going to a city where it doesn't snow, it just ices over.

I also know she's afraid of something else. She's popular at her school. She's quite the social butterfly. I know that she is terrified of being an outsider. She knows some girls from the other times we lived in the Rock, but people change. She met up with one of them and it did not go well. I admit it even though it sounds shallow, it must be scary to go from being well-liked to no one really knowing you. I didn't have this problem...I was kind of a nerd. (shocker!)

I can relate to the feeling well after moving so much. Going to a new school, praying to God that someone would be your friend, etc...

And we all know how bitchy high school girls can be. At one point or another all of us were.

Clare will be okay, she's only 6, but she's got the best group of buddies on our block. Her best friend is a little boy named Logan, and they are already crying about how much they'll miss each other.

So, to conclude my epic novel...

I know it's not the end of the world. I know Maggie will be okay. I know Clare will be okay. They make friends very fast. But they are my girls, and I hate to see them sad.

Oh, and Tropical Storm Cindy, please don't knock my power out/flood my house/be a pain in the arse.

Thank you.