Friday, May 27, 2005

Thou art forgiven...until you mess up again

The boy completely redeemed himself. Red alert, I'm about to get sappy.

I have this binder for planning the wedding- it is red. Now, I like red, but I feel that a wedding planning binder should be white, and I have always expressed this.

I came home late last night from a long evening of babysitting to find a white binder with dividers (!) propped up on the couch. Yes, I am an office supply nerd sometimes.
(One of my big thrills in HS was to go shopping for new binders and looseleaf...feel free to point and laugh at me)

The reason I was so excited is this:
As cliche as it is, I love the little things. He'd heard me whine (repeatedly) about not having a white binder and got it for me even when I could've gotten off my arse and bought it myself.

Smooches for the boy.


Missi-La & D-Love said...

Yeah! I have another blog to check!!!

By the way, I totally agree that office supplies are fun.


Missi-La & D-Love said...

I will do cartwheels for post-its. I would never laugh at someone who also enjoys new looseleaf paper.

Good job, G-Money, though he should have bought you new sharpies too.
