Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Whew! That was odd...

I typed in my blog address and what does it pull up? A page for American Bible Studies...not that there's anything wrong with that, but I'm not exactly a "Bible Studies" kind of girl...

Upon closer inspection, I had simply left out a letter in the address. What a difference an "s" can make.

Recap of my Memorial Day weekend. Rain. Sleep. Worked half of the day Monday. More rain. More sleep. Oh, and cheeseburgers. Yum.
Oh, and another thing...some random kid felt free to grab my boob while he was extremely intoxicated.
Megan and Cassie, it was one of Chewy's friends....what a suprise.

Friday, May 27, 2005

Thou art forgiven...until you mess up again

The boy completely redeemed himself. Red alert, I'm about to get sappy.

I have this binder for planning the wedding- it is red. Now, I like red, but I feel that a wedding planning binder should be white, and I have always expressed this.

I came home late last night from a long evening of babysitting to find a white binder with dividers (!) propped up on the couch. Yes, I am an office supply nerd sometimes.
(One of my big thrills in HS was to go shopping for new binders and looseleaf...feel free to point and laugh at me)

The reason I was so excited is this:
As cliche as it is, I love the little things. He'd heard me whine (repeatedly) about not having a white binder and got it for me even when I could've gotten off my arse and bought it myself.

Smooches for the boy.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Are you crying?

Last night Girard and I got into this huge fight at 11:30 at night...that's always fun; being exhausted, yelling and crying. Of course the fight was about the wedding and me finding a new job...

He heard me sniffle and asked..."Are you crying?" in a really shocked voice. That certainly made things better (in case you haven't noticed, I'm having fun with the italics button). Anyway, it all worked out, we made up and today I enjoyed the side-effects of crying:

Really, really, really puffy eyes. Thank God for Origins No Puffery gel.

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Jet-settin' Jane

So I can't help myself...I've got to post again. This weekend Girard and I went to see Megan's graduation from Wash U in St. Louis. She won an award! Yay Megan.

So proud of her.

Got to meet all of the friends she talks about. They made me laugh so hard I almost peed myself...whoops, too much information. Even though I'm a little jealous that they get to see her all of the time, I'm glad she found such great friends.

Then it was off to Houston. Meg, her fab BF Chris, G and I went to Houston to our friend Laurie's wedding. Cassie and wonderful BF Bryan met us there.

We are getting old.

Saw a few people from college that I could've gone the rest of my life without seeing, but that's okay...it was still good times. Lots of alcohol, picture taking (like the girls we are) and trying to dance with some rhythm. Well, me at least. Megan and Cassie can dance. I, on the other hand, am the kind that thinks she can dance after a few vodka tonics...not so.

Patting the microphone...

Testing, testing...is this thing on? At the suggestion of my best friend Megan, I'm giving this blog thing a shot...I'll try to make it as interesting as I can. So, I'm getting married in 10 months. It seems really far away, but people keep telling me how fast it'll go by. Great...and I don't have much done! I'll try to keep the wedding whining to a minimum, I promise...