Tuesday, June 13, 2006

I'm Sleeping On It

I had an interview this morning. They called me about 30 minutes later to offer me the job! I really, really wanted to just say yes right away, but everyone insists I sleep on it and really think it through.

It's going to be a tough job. I'd be working with at-risk kids in the 7th and 8th grades. I'm not afraid of the kids, just afraid of failing them...but I feel in my heart that I might be able to do some good.

I tell the school tomorrow. Oh, and I am no longer allowed to pick a hotel and make hotel reservations. Since we got kicked out of our apartment because of the mold, we had to find a hotel, and the apartment people said it has to be under $100 a night. The neighborhood is safe, but the rooms, um, not so much. There was a leftover pee stain on the toilet when we first got here. Yummy.

So, any words of wisdom for me?

1 comment:

Missi-La & D-Love said...

Take the job! Congrats.

Students would be lucky to have you for a teacher.
