Thursday, May 25, 2006

Mambo Momma

She'd had a few cocktails at this point...

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Product Plug

Okay, so I've used self-tanners before with disastrous results. I love tanning beds, but I'm terrified of looking 50 when I'm 35. I decided to give self-tanners another try.

So, the other day I went into Bath & Body Works and got two things, both by True Blue Spa:

1. Hello, Sunshine! Self-Tanning Face Puffs
2. Strike Gold Sunless Tanning Lotion with Bronzer

They actually worked...I mean, it took time and patience to make sure the lotion was on right, but it worked! I was nervous because the face puffs don't have color to them and so you can't see where you've put it on, but it worked too!

I don't look orange! I look like I came from Fiji (well, let's be realistic here--I don't have that kind of cash). I look like I came from Gulf Shores!

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Okay, I'll Admit It

If you haven't seen the Grey's Anatomy season finale stop reading.

I have a few confessions to make. Please try not to laugh too hard.

I got teary-eyed when they put Doc down.

I cried when Denny died and Izzy started bawling.

I thought it was sweet when Karev picked Izzy up to comfort her and it made me cry some more.

And I yelled (at the television) when Meredith and McDreamy hooked up.

Girard came in the room, saw me crying and yelling, and walked out.

Monday, May 15, 2006

Happy Belated Mother's Day

I thought I'd post a video's what the cool kids are doing. These guys are so funny!

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

I'm not a girl...not yet a woman

I think there should be a rule that certain people should not be able to procreate.

Namely K-Fed.

I can't believe Brit is preggers again. Actually, I can.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Uh Oh

This could be trouble. I'm watching my little sisters for a few days while the 'rents live it up at the Derby.

Maggie has already asked me to lie to one of her friends' grandmother and pretend to be our mom. She also has plans for Cinco de Mayo. She's 15. Am I the only loser that didn't really live it up for this holiday until college?

Oh dear.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Okay, this has got to stop. I find myself looking forward to 11 a.m. because that's when All My Children comes on. I like soap operas, but wow, I need to wean myself off of that show.

I'm pretty good about keeping myself busy most of the day with applications and stuff, but I can't break my habit.

Oh, and I also ate some of G's dark chocolate Easter bunny. You snooze, you lose.