Thursday, April 27, 2006

They Say It's Your Birthday

Happy Birthday Cassie! Hope your 25th is a wonderful one. Wish I was there to celebrate with you!

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

It just keeps on comin'

So my car didn't start the other morning.

I spent an obscene amount of money getting it fixed a week ago.

On the plus side, I get a sweet loaner car.

God, please--let a job fall out of the sky for me. I'm starting to doubt myself.

Friday, April 14, 2006

History in the making...

Def Leppard and Journey.

Saturday. July 29th. Dallas. Be there.

Monday, April 10, 2006

A Good Ribbing

So, Girard has been injured. If he moves a certain way, his winces because his ribs hurt. They seem to be bruised.

He got this injury from...drumroll, please....a stripper.

During his bachelor party he was being "entertained" and a stripper slipped (damn those clear 6" heels) and elbowed him right in the ribs. My poor baby. My favorite though, is when he said, "And she didn't even apologize." Maybe that's an extra fiver.

At first I kind of felt bad because it does kind of hurt, but now, honestly, I just laugh. He thinks it's pretty funny too. He's also nervous about going to a doctor because, well, how do you explain that injury?

Monday, April 03, 2006

It's a Nice Day for a White Wedding

So I'm back. And I'm married. It's completely weird, and I do feel different.

Everything went so wonderfully. Better than I expected. It's crazy how all that work boils down to just a few hours, and it's over so quickly.

I wanted to thank you guys for being such a wonderful support system over the past few months. It was nice to have people to vent to, cry to, be irate to.

The bridesmaids were amazing and fun and took care of me. Megan gave a beatiful speech and she had nothing to worry about!

It hasn't completely sunk in, but I today I wrote an e-mail to the priest and signed it with my new last name. It was completely cool.