Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Live from Little Rock!

Girard, Camille and I evacuated on Saturday afternoon to Little Rock because my parents just moved there. It only took us 9 hours, which is amazing, because the drive normally takes 8 hours.

New Orleans is falling apart. I am terrified for my cousin Amy. She is an ER nurse at Ocshner Hospital. They have no air conditioning or running water and food is getting low. She is working on about 2 hours of sleep each night. They actually gave her a sleeping pill this morning so she would sleep some more. She had to be given fluids because she was so dehydrated. Knowing her, she's making sure everyone else has water before she gets any.

Ocshner is being protected by armed guards. A nurse at another hospital walked outside and was held up at gunpoint.

Looters were going into the Hyatt (where Girard works) and were breaking through drywall to get into rooms and stealing things. The PR director is missing. They found her wallet and ID badge, but she is no where to be found.

I don't know how our house is. It could be under just 2 feet of water, or it could be gone.

I still feel so lucky to have gotten out and to have family that will take care of us. We really are lucky. Many have no place to go and are stuck in hotels.

We can probably go back on Monday, but then we have to leave for a month so they can clean everything up.

Cassie is doing ok. She is at the Hampton Inn in Bossier City. Meg, I'll call you with her info.

I just hope everyone is ok.

Friday, August 26, 2005

I've got a way with words

Two women came into the office today to pick up their fathers' cremated remains (or cremains, as we say in the biz). This does not happen too often and is usually pretty uneventful.

I would also like to preface this by saying when they hired me, they told me I would never have to deal with families. So I was completely unprepared.

So the daughter signs the paperwork and just starts bawling. I mean, all-out, body-shaking sobbing. I freeze. I have no idea what to do, say, etc...I feel like saying "I'm sorry for your loss" or "I know this is a difficult time" would be completely inappropriate.

I just stand there and shuffle some paperwork on my desk. Then the sister starts bawling. I'm such a moron I forget to offer them the Kleenex that are sitting on my desk and she has to ask for them.

The first woman asks for the box and I say: (drumroll please)

"Sure, pass it around!"

Good one, Catherine. Smooth move.

Thank goodness they were too grief-stricken to notice my incredibly lame comment.

Oh well. I guess it's better than, "He's in a better place now."

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Not much to report

Let's see:

The new kitty's name is Camille. She likes to wake up mom and dad at 1 a.m., 3 a.m., and occasionally she'll scratch the hell out of me at 5 a.m. But she's cute as can be, so it's kind of hard to get mad.

I started classes at UNO on Monday...I'm going back to school to become a certified teacher.

I know- me responsible for "shaping young minds." Scary, isn't it?

Friday, August 19, 2005

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

What's in a name?

Girard called me yesterday afternoon and told me about this kitten that was found in the parking garage of his work. G grew up with cats, so he likes them. Soon he started hinting around that nobody could take the kitty and so, long story short- we've got a kitty now!

We think it's a girl, and she is so cute. She's gray and white striped and very small. Here's the thing: we don't know what to name her.

When I thought it was a boy, I thought we'd name it Rufus, but now I'm not sure. G likes the name Squirt.

So any thoughts? Suggestions?

Friday, August 12, 2005

Happy Birthday Maggie!

I'm going to Little Rock this weekend to celebrate my little sisters' 15th birthday. God, I feel old. Even though she doesn't know this blog exists, Happy Birthday Maggie!

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Sigh...if only I had the moola to go with it, too

You are Morgan!

Which Laguna Beach Cast Member are you?
brought to you by

Monday, August 08, 2005

Here she is, Miss America!

Is it wrong that I am completely pumped about Miss Teen USA tonight?

Are Girard and I crazy because we sit there and try and figure out who is "enhanced?"

Should I be concerned that Girard refers to his favorite contestants as "The Next Mrs. Boineau?"

I'm taking bets on how many times "world peace" is mentioned...anyone care to make it interesting?

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

An open letter...

Dear yeast infection,

Hello. I understand that you are just one of those little unpleasant things that decides to show up every now and then, but I would appreciate it if you wouldn't come during my "time of the month." Not only am I bloated, pasty, highly irritable and crampy, but I also have to deal with all of the things that come with a visit from you.

While I would rather never have a visit from you ever again, I realize that you are going to be a lot like my dad's college buddy that came and slept on the couch when I was a baby. I would throw toys at him from my playpen and he insisted on laying there, snoring and drooling. Much like him, you are going to sit there until I throw various things at you...thank you Diflucan, but that is another letter for another time.

Anyway, please just see that next time you decide to come, schedule an appointment and ask me if it is a good time.

Thank you.