Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Bella Roma and Meg's All Grown Up

Hello dahlings, I'm back from my holiday across the ocean. (Imagine I'm saying that with some kind of accent, it's more effective that way)
Rome was beautiful, of course. We got to go to a Mass in St. Peter's Basilica, which rocked my socks off. We also got to see Pope Benedict (or B-Rat, as I like to call him) say the Angelus. It was like a rock concert.

People had signs, posters, cheers and songs. It was crazy. But fun.

Next on the agenda, our girl Megan has a job now and is talking about 401k's and insurance plans. And the thing is, I got so excited when I heard she had a 401k because I was thinking how great it was that she can save money for her future. WE ARE OLD. But it's still awesome. You did it M.

I still need to send you a cookie bouqet. I mean, cookies posing as flowers. Ingenious!!

Oh, and Katie, I have not known you long, but I feel like I do because of all the fun stories Megan tells I'd like to say Happy Birthday!!

Friday, June 10, 2005

Slow your Mustang down...

So I'm driving along yesterday when I see this silver Mustang coming up really fast behind me. First of all, I'm already going over the speed limit, so I see no reason to speed up. Second of all, the stop sign was like 10 feet away, so I just keep driving.

The Mustang passes me on a 2 lane road and almost hits a car coming from the other direction, and then it almost hits me cutting in front of me and swerving to miss the other car.

Being the lady that I am, I show these teenage punkarses my middle finger and call him a name that begins with an "m" and ends with and "er." I'm sure you all know what I mean.

Anyhoo, the kid and his wannabe Backstreet Boy friend turn around and smile at me, and he BACKS HIS CAR UP INTO MINE. Yeah, tapped the front of my car. Then he sped off.

I followed him for as long as I could, but he was going about 50 down residential streets where there are a lot of children. He also passed (once again, on a non-passing street) about 2 other cars, so I lost him.

I did, however, get his license plate number. Bwwwahhhhaaaa!

Being the old woman that I am, I called the police. I told the operator he hit me, but didn't file a report because I knew there was no damage. She sent out a unit though because I said he was driving dangerously. I also seriously sounded like my mom when I said, "I think he might be on something." Truth is, I don't know if he was, but if it makes them take the call more seriously, so be it.

Cassie called right after it happened. Thank God because I was shaking like a leaf and her voice had this magical soothing effect. Props to Cassie.

Long story even longer, Girard is going to ask some of his cop friends to "run" the number. My boss also used to work for the DA, so he said he would too. I'd love to call this kids parents and tell them what he did.

I may be stupid, but if I were this kids' parents, I'd be mortified.

Sorry my story was so long. Happy Friday everyone!
I'm going to Rome tomorrow to see the fam!!

Monday, June 06, 2005


There hasn't been too much excitement here lately.
The band that I was in love with for the wedding told me recently that, oops, they're going to Florida that weekend...
I was so excited to get them too- I saw them play last weekend and they were awesome.
Girard was pumped because they played the Dukes of Hazzard intro song.
I know,
I was excited because they played Back Dat Ass Up by my homeslice Juvenile and the Cash Money Millionaires.
Oh well, can't win 'em all. Every other band I've looked up is like 85 years old, though.
::Stomping feet and pouting::
I'll get over it...I just need to brood for a little while.
Thanks for listening boys and girls.