Thursday, December 21, 2006

Don't Stop Believin'

Happy Birthday to Mary Megan!! Live it up on the 26th year of your birth. Enjoy the concert and in the words of Journey, "Don't stop believin', hold on to that feelin'. Street lights, people..." Okay, I'll stop now.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

America's Most Wanted

The face of a hardened criminal...My little sister Maggie:

So Maggie got a "citation" recently for, drumroll please,


Nevermind that she had just driven up, had not even turned off her car, and was saying hello to some friends before heading home.

Apparently the fine Little Rock police department found it necessary to have 12 officers for 29 kids. Now, Maggie has done silly things before (ummm, tequila), but she is a pretty good kid.

Also, my parents are not the type to think "My baby would never do that." Oh, no. They are more like the, "What did you do?" parents. But this time, they are in Maggie's defense. The kid didn't do anything wrong and got cursed out by law enforcement for...sitting. There's not even a sign that says "No Loitering."

Now, there was one car there with alcohol, which is admittedly not great, but still, punish those kids, not the ones that were, once again, sitting in their cars.

She even asked the officer to search her car and Maggie said when she didn't find anything in the stack of LIBRARY BOOKS she had in her trunk, the officer was pissed.

So now Mags has to go to court and defend her evil sitting habits. Stupid Little Rock.