Friday, July 28, 2006

Papa Don't Preach

My Dad was right. I jumped too quickly at this job because after being out of work for 5 months, I got a little desperate. I was scared another job offer wouldn't come along and with the program I'm in, I have to get a teaching job within 2 years. And I'm not planning on being here 2 years.

Now I'm regretting it a little. I had a great school district e-mail me yesterday about interviewing with them. Now, I know an interview is no guarantee for a job. But, if I did get the job, it would require me to break the contract I signed with the other school. Part of me feels like it's not too big of a deal to break the contract, they could find another teacher, but another part of me feels like I should honor what I signed.

I was going to set up an interview, but in my heart, I don't know if I could break the contract. Training starts this Tuesday. So I didn't set up an interview and at first I thought it was the right thing to do, but once again, I'm kicking myself. And I love Girard, but he's not helping much. For being so supportive of this job from the start, he's now all freaked out about the kids and the neighborhood the school is in.

I'm just absolutely terrified now that I've made this giant mistake and I'll wind up hating teaching. I also think I'm psyching myself out and the doubting every move I make needs to stop.

No real point to this post, just need to get it out. I think a therapist is in my future!

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Some Disappointing News

Girard found out yesterday that the company he works for feels that right now, he could learn more in Dallas. This means that they are no longer holding the position for him in New Orleans and they're posting it on the job board. Girard offered to go back earlier to fill the position, but like I said earlier, they think he'd learn more here, blah blah blah.

This also means that when we go back, we might not be going back with the company, which sucks, because he really likes working for them, just not the Dallas boss.

However, they also told him that knowing how hard it is to fill positions at home, the job might still be open in a year. He also knows that he could "quit" and then go reapply in New Orleans when we go back. Ugh.

Don't get me wrong, Dallas can be cool, but it's also...unbearably hot, it never rains, it's spread out and everyone thinks that Texas is pretty much the best thing since, well, God.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Happy Birthday Clare!

Clare turned 8 on Tuesday...we had a luau party, complete with tiki torches and musical beach towels. We know how to throw down.

On another note, Maggie drove on the highway on Thursday. Um, so had a car been in the other lane when she decided to exit sideways instead of straight, well...I think you get it. Looks like she inherited her big sister's driving skills.