Friday, June 30, 2006

Another Career Path

If teaching doesn't work out, I think I'll definitely become a Pussy Cat Doll.

I saw them on Good Morning America, and the dancing consisted mainly of dropping it like it's hott and flailing their hair around, and I am an expert in both.

I just need some hair extensions, teeth whitening, a spray tan, a new wardrobe and to lose about 40 pounds. I think that's doable.

D, I hope work gets better for you soon, but if anyone can do it, you can!

Wednesday, June 21, 2006


Here I come...I can't wait!

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

I'm Sleeping On It

I had an interview this morning. They called me about 30 minutes later to offer me the job! I really, really wanted to just say yes right away, but everyone insists I sleep on it and really think it through.

It's going to be a tough job. I'd be working with at-risk kids in the 7th and 8th grades. I'm not afraid of the kids, just afraid of failing them...but I feel in my heart that I might be able to do some good.

I tell the school tomorrow. Oh, and I am no longer allowed to pick a hotel and make hotel reservations. Since we got kicked out of our apartment because of the mold, we had to find a hotel, and the apartment people said it has to be under $100 a night. The neighborhood is safe, but the rooms, um, not so much. There was a leftover pee stain on the toilet when we first got here. Yummy.

So, any words of wisdom for me?

Monday, June 12, 2006

What's that smell?

Last night, Girard felt a wet area on our carpet. He pulled the furniture away from the wall by the wet spot.

Mold. Ew. On the wall, on the had been hidden by the furniture.

The maintenance guy comes by and starts cutting into our drywall. Behind the wall--a broken pipe that is basically pouring water onto our concrete floor behind the wall.

They moved us into a model apartment last night and now have to move us to a hotel. Yayyy! Good times!

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Breakin' the Law

Girard and I were at a party last night that got broken up by the police. Yep, we're badass.

Actually, it was a pool party that was perfectly harmless. A bunch of people in their 20s and 30s drinking beer and barbequing. Dangerous!!

Apparently we were disturbing the peace of one person in the apartment complex.

We all thought it was funny because the last time any of us had the cops called on us was either never or in college, but we decided to live on the edge with our Bud Lite and burgers.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Yesterday was my first day going to schools, and I have an interview with one of them next week! I am excited...just gotta keep my momentum up.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Wish Me Luck

Starting tomorrow and for the next 2 weeks or so I will be going around to schools and giving them my resume. Cross your fingers that someone hires me. I want to teach so badly!

Also, sidebar...

Shiloh Nouvel? What are everyone's thoughts on Brangelina's baby's name?