Thursday, September 29, 2005

On the road again...for like the 8th time

We leave for Dallas tomorrow. I'm pretty excited. Moved our furniture Monday and Tuesday- we were able to get my car even though Orleans Parish was closed. We saw downtown and boy, talk about surreal.

It really does look like a bomb went off but left most of the buildings standing. It was hard not to cry.

But, we're getting a fresh start, and people have been great about offering up contacts for jobs and such.

Next time I post I'll be sure to do it in a Texas accent. Hook em' horns and all that stuff.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

A few hurricane stories...

I realized that I had forgotten to update on some of the things I had written about in my "Little Rock" post.

Amy (my cousin the ER nurse) is doing better. She was allowed to leave for a few days and is now working 7 days on, 7 days off, which is still pretty grueling, but better than before.

One of the stories she told me was about a woman that paid someone $100 dollars to bring her husband to a hospital for dialysis treatment. She had no idea which hospital, so when she showed up at the hospital, she told Amy she had been walking for 16 hours.
Her husband was there, and the administrators at the hospital were not going to let her stay with him. Amy cried and pitched a fit, and they had the gall to call her "emotionally unstable." Unstable? I'd be certifiably insane. Anyway, they let the woman stay, so all's well that ends well. She also:

1. Helped deliver a baby in a National Guard truck
2. Helped revive an 8 month old whose mother gave her flood water
3. Demanded that a man who desperately needed treatment be admitted to the hospital. He was very obese, and the higher ups said they couldn't treat him, but after she put her foot down, they let him in.

I am so proud of her.

The PR director at the Hyatt is not missing. She just decided to drop everything and leave. Smart lady.

I'm sorry this is so long. I wanted to brag about Amy. She deserves it.

Dallas, anyone?

Despite my fervent prayers that Girard be transferred to St. Louis or Kansas City, we are being transferred to Dallas.

It's okay, though, because:

1. Direct flights everyhwere
2. Great shopping
3. I can wear a cowboy hat! (I can, can't I?!?)

I'm a little nervous about being in such a huge city but I think it will be okay.

Hope everyone else is doing okay. Miss you all.